“Doin A Deal” Script and shot

Location The New Crown Inn Whittlsey , Pub car park at back pe7 1qa

Times : 10 am at Modshoes for clothing etc , saturday 21st dec 2024

10.15 do a read through of script in studio, where it is warm

Confirmed people – Sam Terry Andy Em Christine , Cars Confirmed Kyle & Girlfriends

Outfits :

Christine Lucy Black / White Paisley – White or Black Dustys – Tights ???? Coat

Em – Carly Blue dress – Jodie boots purple , tights ???

Terry : New Black Grey Track top – Flares – Boots or Trainers

Sam : Dont look back in anger top or marr jacket

Kyle : Black Marr Jacket


Shot 1

Notes : Characters sitting on bonnet of VW Sirocco , andy is filming close and pulls out as the conversation starts

Sam – Remind me why have we driven 200 miles ?

Em – I am here to see a dog about a man

Sam – Very funny

Em – He has something I want

Sam – You know we have talked about this !, anyways its cold i am getting back in the car

Em – Just one more time wont hurt will it ! 


Shot 2

We will see the car coming passed Arnold lyne, and various places before arriving at pub

Clip 1 Sign Aronrold Layne  camera facing toward sign, car goes in front  Clip2 Rear of car seen going into pub car park so we can show pub name  Clip 3———————-Clip 4———————-

Terry Is in kyles car coming up the drive, andy is walking backwards , as car pulls up terry gets out , andy shows shoes first and reveals terry in 66 clothing etc, and 66 bag Clip 4 ——————

Possible walking over, camera follows Clip 5 ___________

Terry – you found it then

Sam – yeh all good    Clip 6____________

Terry – no you know this is precious and you have to use sparingly  ! (terry gestures bag at sam) Clip 7_____

Sam – Yeh Yeh Clip 6____________

Terry –  it will knock your head, if you do it to much !  Clip 8 Close up on terrys face _________


Shot 3 – Inside Terrys car, Christine getting animated and clearly agitated !  Clip 10 ________ < shot through open window

Christine being seen getting out of car

Christine – Terry don’t be ages , things to do ! Clip 10 ________, which swings round on to terry , being shot from behind the head of the person shouting 

Terry – 2 mins ,  mins tops


Shot 4

Andy films by walking into scene

Terry – So the money ?  Clip 11 ________,

Sam – all good , as agreed  (see money exchange and pensive looks on Christine who is in back ground friend ) Clip 11 ________, pans down

Terry goes in bag, and finds item, you see item being handed , but you don’t see it , Terry walks off

Terry –  Be careful, and you don’t know me ! Clip 12 ________,


Shot 5

Back in car – shot though Christine window facing Em

Sam  – So what did you get

Em – Only the best , reveals ‘RedLightSpellsDangersDemo’ , pushes record to the screen !



Behind the scenes

Christine – 2 clips, walk into shot or freeze frame , before carrying on

Em – 2 clips, walk into shot or freeze frame , before carrying on

Terry – 2 clips, walk into shot or freeze frame , before carrying on

Kyle – 2 clips, walk into shot or freeze frame , before carrying on

Kyles Girlfriend if in movie – 2 clips, walk into shot or freeze frame , before carrying on

Kyles car – 2 clips, walk into shot or freeze frame , before carrying on

Mention pub

Each person and cars , with their names and something witty , but nice , and what they are wearing