John Lennon’s animated portrayal in Yellow Submarine (1968) captures his witty, irreverent, and intellectual essence, bringing his unique personality to life in the surreal world of Pepperland. The film, based on The Beatles’ music, depicts Lennon as a clever and philosophical figure who provides sharp humor and thoughtful commentary throughout their journey to defeat the Blue Meanies. With his round glasses and signature look, Lennon’s animated character mirrors his real-life persona, blending whimsy with depth. His character’s contributions to the story reflect themes of love, peace, and creativity, aligning perfectly with The Beatles’ artistic vision and enduring cultural impact.
His trousers we thought would make great inspiration for a scarf ! We are very pleased with the results :-)
Made in the UK, in a tiny factory, these are super soft , yep acrylic, but they are gonna last years of wear.
Scarf Dimensions 160 x 19 x 4.7 cm; 160 g
Material Type(s) Acrylic
Material Composition 100% acrylic
Material Care Instructions Hand Wash Only
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